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Sweet Spot for Digital Marketing in 2021

Sweet Spot for Digital Marketing in 2021

Digital marketing is to increase awareness of the brand; also, to connect with existing or prospective customers (personalised) is the keyword and increase your recall, so you become the preferred choice. To achieve all or either of them make the next choice. 

Identify your business in one of the following three types of Businesses, and you can then jump directly to it. The reason is defined objectives leads to defined outcomes. 

Are you? 

Business to Business: Are your customer's other companies?

Business to Customer: Are your customer's individuals?

Business to Business to Customer: Are you selling to companies and individuals both?

Choose wisely, choose one. 

Business to Business: In the case of institutional/corporate/company sales. The general sales cycles are longer, and it is not an immediate conversion. It has multiple factors affecting the decision, also the brand value of the vendor itself.

Another critical thing to keep in mind is, companies buy when they need your services/products, not because you are giving discounts. It is a crucial differentiating factor between B2B and B2C. The Digital branding for a company dealing in this space will need to have a long term perspective, focus on branding and enhancing recall value. Email marketing, quality content on social media handles and constant drive to increase reach are vital. 

Business to Customers: Keeping aside the factor of shelf life and pricing bracket for the product/service. When you are looking at individuals as your customers, you are looking at shorter sales cycles—multiple interactions, Multi-channel presence, more videos, variety, discounts, and the vendor's(your) right presence on social media. 

The customer wants to get the best deal at the best price and what you see is what you get(WYSIWYG). Here the seller's persona also makes a difference. High presence on Social media handles; giving deals on the go, and delivering the committed is vital. Immediate response to queries and regular updates, and interaction on social media is a game-changer. You may prefer to hire an agency than to micromanage all the aspects of social handles, design, content and planning possibilities. E-commerce is going to continue taking up the market share. 

Business to Business to Customer: When you sell to other companies who are bulk buyers and individuals who are single-unit buyers at a lower price for the same product/service. You are in the hybrid of B2B and B2C. Here it would help if you looked at your long term goals than immediate solutions. 

For example, if your long term goal is to have many customers but a smaller ticket size. You will opt for B2C marketing on the social media front. If you are looking to increase your customer base with a large ticket size, you will opt for B2B on the social media front. Assuring you hybrid strategies need a long-term commitment minimum of six months to a year as it will change and impact your perceived brand position for a long time. 

It would help if you indeed had an experienced agency is handling multi-brand multi-consumer agency like Dygn Media. 

2020 has changed the ways businesses are looking for growth, sustainability and customer interaction; 2021 is trending digital in far more different ways than before. Competition is going tougher as more and more players are coming online. The factors of quality, the strategy would supersede the rest in totality. 


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