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Digital Transformation a NOW need!!!

Digital Transformation a NOW need!!!

Digital transformation? What is that got to do with my business?

Digital transformation is a process to make business processes effective and efficient, looking for a loophole and optimising the business model, bringing in more possibilities to scale up the business. It also helps to bring in more; organisational and cultural changes.

What are the critical areas of digital transformation? 

Customers, the need to engage customers is unprecedented, more than that you got to be available 24x7, to make sure you're next customer is not limited by the limited availability of information, affirmation required for your product/service for the reason to buy.

Turn Around Times; nobody minds a great coffee would you stand in the queue for your coffee every day for hours? It would help if you had application to back you up, custom application all the more, better(yes we build custom applications to suit your needs) enabling you and your team to have an excellent turn around times. You are also assuring data security, access to only required information and more significant customer experience. 

Infrastructure, how much more would like to spend on infrastructure to maintain and keep the records, also limiting your ease and access to information. You need not create a datacenter and nor you may add everything to the cloud, but there can be hybrid as well depending on your needs. 

Process, optimisation may be linked to cost-cutting, however business process optimisation is all about making sure we have a better bottom line rather than cost-cutting. Can I have a better bottom line without cutting cost? Well, yes, you can if you increase your sales; however, do not incur proportional expenses for the increase in sales. That is where process optimisation works, i.e. digital transformation. 

Scalability, undoubtedly you are looking to scale your business, so let's say that you can manage ten orders a day, however now you need to maintain 100 orders a day, with the same customer satisfaction, service level or even better compared to when you were are ten orders/day, that is when digital transformation helps you to scale businesses.

What size of business should indulge in digital transformation? 


If your business is other than yourself working, you should be looking at digital transformation. The game-changer is to help/build/showcase/deliver your product/service across to the customer. That is possible with when you have the critical matrics on your fingertips.

Significant Business decisions are based on the critical decisions taken at the right time to match with your vision, and analytics play a very vital role. Digital transformation is all about getting the support system for your business to run seamlessly.

Is it expensive? Timeframe? 

Very simply, it is not expensive. It requires a top-bottom approach which is more important to drive digital transformations. 

Depending on the scope and processes, getting transformed timelines would be defined. However, I can assure you what took years is now turned into weeks, that is the need and impact of digital transformations. 

Still, if you have anything with regards to digitally transforming your organisation on your mind, write to us on connect@dygnmedia.com, and we will be more than happy to assist you for the same. 

We partner with brands to create powerful
DIGITAL products and experiences

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