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Decoding Digital Pricing

Decoding Digital Pricing

Digital exposure is unprecedentedly increasing. The dire need to be online is for real and right now. How do we understand the technology jargons, claims to be on the first page of google search and pricing which varies widely. 

The following will take you through the best mix that fits your needs and what is apt for you. Choose your mix. 

1) Scope of work - It is vital what you are looking for, define your needs. Open a word; excel sheet start typing in what you need, to happen on your website or what is that you are looking to communicate to your customers through social media interaction. 


2) Server - We are not going technical; it plays a significant role in your development. Simply put, how much uptime you are looking for a website/app to be live. If you need more than 95% uptime per month you need to pay more for better server infrastructure can go with 50% uptime, you pay peanuts but crappy service too.  

3) Speed - If it matters to you, you will have to invest in the technology stack and servers. How does it matter? Open any website which takes more than 5 seconds to load, and you are not going to visit again, simple. Just a quick note you need PHP 7.x or Python 3.6 and higher when building your websites. More details are there but make sure the above is happening whichever way you are heading forward PHP or Python 

4) UI / UX - Great websites require a good thought process and flow of information. Someone has to think through what it is going to be like when someone visits you. You need fantastic interaction with the user; you need someone to get it done for you, you need a UI / UX designer. 

5) Data - How vital is the data for you? Are there going to be leads stored? Is there going to be customer information stored, if yes you need to refer point 2 above! Make sure security, servers and backups are invested in to. You don't want to login to a website to know that you don't exist anymore; right. 

6) Content - Cannot emphasise this enough but, what your end-user will read (Written), see(Videos, creatives) and listen(podcasts) about you is what the user is going to believe in, make sure you are sharing what you are trying to communicate is super apt, clear and concise, the user is in a hurry, so you got to be just apt for the end-user. 

7) Hire Us - There is one way of doing all the above, do it yourself (but then who is going to run your business?) and the other way; which is years of expertise, experience and multiple teams playing a vital role for the result which is built for you. We design all the above for you. 

Conclusion - Every interaction matters, digital truly open opportunities and brings reach to scale for you. However, it is a competitive world like any other thing. You got to be genuine and present consistency to scale things up.

We are looking forward to connecting with you soon. 

Reach out to us connect@dygnmedia.com 

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