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7 Must Ask Questions before you go for the next campaign!

7 Must Ask Questions before you go for the next campaign!


The world has seen an immense exponential change with regards to businesses.

Businesses which are redundant now, compared to a decade or two decades back, because of the technology playing a vital role, to new businesses being set up due the same reason.

The knowledge and power are spread across to individuals taking their conscious decisions, without depending upon the borrowed knowledge from other humans in their vicinity. Now the neighbourhood is across the globe, and the experts can be in multiple time zones.

One thing amidst all this has been the same, the consumer!

The shift from cold calling to making yourself available when the customer is looking for you has been the actual shift.

Critical aspects

With more options, comes more competition, comes better services, comes better products

With better products, come more price, comes variety, comes market segmentation

With market segmentation, comes focused sales effort, comes target audience

With a target audience, comes solutions specifically looking for those target audience

Define your target audience

Assuming the fact, we have run through the complete business cycle and are aware, buyer’s persona, 4-way customer test, initial assessment for a website, purchasing patterns, operational readiness etc. (If not let’s connect we will be happy to run through with you the same)

The questions which you have to keep in mind while going Marketing, Sales, Online is

  1. What is the focus of showcasing our services, is every page everything giving a clear directive for the customer?
  2. Are we targeting the right audience, because we assume or because we have sold in that segment?
  3. What is that key differentiating factor which makes us different from everybody else selling the same thing? Are we sharing our USP’s?
  4. What is that customer should expect from us after the service has been delivered?
  5. Is after-sales included or not included?
  6. To be price-sensitive or brand sensitive?
  7. Clear objectives and policies for a customer to feel satisfied and not cheated?

All this and somewhat of more in focus with us, for the customer to feel elevated.

Ultimately, there is a win-win situation to be created.

If you create a win – a loose situation wherein you are winning, the customer would eventually come to find out and will never buy from you again, spreading the good news that I was cheated.

In case you create win–loose situation for the customer wherein the customer wins but you are loosing, at the end of the day, month, the year you are increasing your losses which will eventually take you of the market altogether.

You have to create sustainable partnerships which are working on a mutual benefit for a long-lasting buyer-seller relationship.

Now if you have to keep your costs low however target a larger audience, wherein they choose you above the noise which is pretty loud anyway. You have to, have to be ready, available and make sure at apt pricing.

All the above and much more is what helps to retain, attain and explore new customers.

Checklist for website / choosing an agency/marketing campaign

  1. Focus on User experience along with product
  2. Avoid giving mixed emotions
  3. Be as specific as you can get
  4. Share the knowledge, let them know beforehand
  5. Keep the customer updated about the progress
  6. Keep in touch with the customer
  7. Make the first move for feedback and take it well

And need to align all of this connect with us.

Dygn MEDIA go digital

We partner with brands to create powerful
DIGITAL products and experiences

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