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The customer experience matters like never before: 4 ways to make it better.

The customer experience matters like never before: 4 ways to make it better.

You know your customer is essential to your strategic success. There must be a holistic consideration of your customer at the heart of everything you do and everything your organization does.


Customer-core. Customer-centred. Customer-centric. Why do they say this?


Because consumer experience has radically transformed how shoppers choose to shop, they are more inclined to research online before contacting a salesperson. Your success story starts with knowing your buyer.


1st Pillar: Content


Modern independent buyers are actively seeking knowledge, trying to find their solutions. Traditional tactics don't work, as shoppers turn to search engines and social media to consume digital content. The question that arises is; what kind of content? After all, no one tweets your datasheet!


It's vital to align content with the different stages of the buying process and with specific buyers, as the content that will engage and motivate them will vary depending on their characteristics and preferences. If your buyer is deeply technical, they'll be looking for deeply technical content. If they're highly strategic, the same technically oriented content won't resonate with them the same.


Once you create content, you want to share it in the space where your audience exists, engages, and learns, be it on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Google ads, or Instagram. It would be best if you were compelled to curate your content. Content is a crucial pillar of social selling, in addition to present-day marketing; consumers are more likely to consume content from people and friends than brands and logos. Content's "shareability" must be an essential factor for you in the course of creation, curation and distribution.


2nd Pillar: Social Media Channels


It's one thing to create a social media platform but another to engage and interact daily. Social media is all about engaging and learning more about your product/service. Engage your customers and find out what their favourite products are and why they're buying from you. As the customers know a real person is behind the computer screen, they automatically shape interest and build trust in your business.


We have stated it once. However, we will repeat it. It's now no longer about throwing a group of random product pictures on social media and hoping something will stick or resonate. A solid social media strategy helps align your brand and your voice. What are you promoting? What is your objective? How will you measure return on investment? Ensuring your messages are clear and consistent. It will help you in building trust with your customers that you know what you are speaking about!


3rd Pillar: Price Transparency Emphasizes Value, not Prices

As pricing becomes more evident to everyone in a market, the value of each competitor also becomes sharper. You can precisely define the value you add and quantify it in terms of price more precisely because you know where you stand in terms of cost compared to your competition. You have a stronger foundation for defining and quantifying what makes you an attractive, reliable and valuable business partner and what sets your products and services apart.


4th Pillar: Better and Faster: Streamline Your Processes


Make your business more efficient by implementing faster or simpler processes. It seems obvious, right? This is precisely the purpose of rationalization. Whether your business ships products, sell services, you can improve overall efficiency by streamlining business processes.


Anyone who fills out a form to view your product or talks to a salesperson wants to buy what you're selling. Make the entire procedure as easy as feasible for them. Respond to the request immediately and send a link to the calendar, not ten round-trip emails trying to decide a time that works for everyone.


Every factor of your organization must be aligned with the only cause of making the best customer experience. When you do this for your customers, they, in turn, stand up for your success. Develop your digital sales capabilities with Dygn Media.

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